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Sexing and detection of gene construct in microinjected bovine blastocysts using the polymerase chain reaction
Authors:Simon Horvat  Juan F. Medrano  Esmail Behboodi  Gary B. Anderson  James D. Murray
Affiliation:(1) Department of Animal Sciene School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California-Davis, 95616-8521 Davis, CA, USA;(2) Department of Reproduction, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California-Davis, 95616-8521 Davis, CA, USA
Abstract:We present a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based procedure for rapid bovine embryo sexing and classifying embryos for the presence of exogenous DNA. Fourteen bovine blastocysts microinjected with gene construct DNA at the pronuclear stage were divided into quarters and subjected to amplification with construct-specific and sex gene-specific (ZFY/ZFX) primers in the same initial PCR reaction. Blastocysts carrying microinjected construct DNA could be identified by the presence of construct-specific PCR product in approximately 4 h. Approximately half of the microinjected and two of 16 non-microinjected blastocysts typed PCR-positive for the construct DNA. Owing to erroneous amplifications in the two non-microinjected control blastocysts, and the inability of the system to distinguish integrated from non-integrated copies of the microinjected construct, the number of construct-positive blastocysts determined in our assay most likely overestimates the number of true transgenic embryos. Nevertheless, using this assay, we were able to determine that approximately half of the microinjected embryos were negative for the transgene construct and thus could be eliminated from transfer to a recipient cow. Embryo sexing was achieved in less than 6 h by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of nestedZFY/ZFXPCR products reamplified from initial PCR reactions. In 11/14 microinjected blastocysts all sections assayed unambiguously as the same sex. In one embryo, only one section was analysed, while two other blastocysts whowed some discrepancies of sexing results between the sections analysed. The approach employed here to determine the sex and presence of microinjected construct DNA in bovine preimplantation embryos is rapid, accurate among different sections of an embryo and can be used to increase the efficiency of current transgenic cattle production procedures.
Keywords:bovine  embryo  PCR  sexing  transgene  detection
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