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Parthenogenesis in Mites and Ticks (Arachnida: Acari)
Authors:OLIVER   JAMES H.   Jr.
Affiliation:Department of Biology, Georgia Southern College Statesboro, Georgia 30458
Abstract:SYNOPSIS. Parthenogenesis is discussed according to type (arrhenotoky,thelytoky, deuteroLoky, artificial parthenogenesis, gynogenesis)and presence in various acarine taxa. Evidence for parthenogenesisis based on rearing and/or cytological studies. Arrhenotokyoccurs in Mesostigmata, Prostigmata and Astigmata and usuallydoes not occur sporadically throughout these taxa; when presentit operates in many closely related species as the major typeof reproduction in certain genera, subfamilies or families.Thelytoky is present in Mesostigmata, Metastigmata, Prostigmata,Astigmata and Cryptostigmata, but in no case is the major modeof reproduction in higher taxa, i.e. subfamilies, families.Its sporadic occurrence may or may not be accompanied by polyploidy.Deuterotoky occurs in one acarine group (Listrophoridae) andartificial parthenogenesis is possible in ticks (Metastigmata).Gynogenesis is present in several species of haplo-diploid Mesostigmata(some Dermanyssidae, Phytoseiidae), although it is usually consideredin connection with thelytoky. Current studies of the effectsof ploidy level on morphological variation indicate greatercharacter variability in diploid females than in haploid males.In some species of ticks thelytoky is expressed differentiallyeven on an intraspecific level. One geographic strain of a speciesmay have the ability to reproduce thelytokously, but if matedproduces males and females.
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