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GnRH antagonist enhance follicular growth in FSH-treated sheep but affect developmental competence of oocytes collected by ovum pick-up
Authors:Berlinguer F  Gonzalez-Bulnes A  Succu S  Leoni G G  Veiga-Lopez A  Mossa F  Garcia-Garcia R M  Bebbere D  Galioto M  Cocero M J  Naitana S
Affiliation:Department of Animal Biology, University of Sassari, Via Vienna 2, 07100-Sassari, Italy. vetfis@uniss.it
Abstract:This study evaluates the in vitro developmental competence of oocytes collected by ovum pick up (OPU) from sheep treated with GnRH antagonists (GnRHa) and high doses of FSH. Eighteen Sarda ewes were treated with progestagen sponges (day 0). On day 7, 10 ewes received 3 mg of GnRHa s.c., while 8 served as control receiving saline. On day 10, all animals were treated with 96 IU of ovine FSH in four equal doses given i.m. every 12 h. We monitored follicular development by ultrasonography, twice daily from day 7 to 11, and found that GnRHa induced a significant increase in the number of total follicles in 72 h (11.7+/-0.9 to 21+/-2.4, r(2)=0.598, P<0.0001), while this number remained stable in control sheep. We found that FSH induced a significant rise in the number of follicles in both groups; but always higher (P<0.05) in GnRHa treated sheep, confirming that GnRHa enhances ovarian response to exogenous FSH stimulation. Twelve hours after the last FSH dose, oocytes were collected by OPU. Recovery percentage, morphological quality, ability to resume meiosis, fertilization and cleavage were similar in oocytes from treated and untreated sheep. However, the final blastocysts output was lower in GnRHa group (10.1% versus 27.4% in control group; P<0.05). In addition, re-expansion rates after vitrification, thawing and in vitro culture were lower in GnRHa treated ewes, although differences did not reach statistical significance (55.5% versus 74.1% in GnRHa treated and in control sheep, respectively).
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