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Authors:Jerry A. Topinka Bigelow
Abstract:Ammoniun, nitrate and nitrite update by Fucus spiralis L. from the Massachusetts coast was examined. Uptake of all appeared to follow saturation type nutrient uptake kinetics, with uptake often restricted at ambient nutrient concentrations. Although only relatively large difference in K8 values could be easily distinguished, K8 values for NO3? and NH4+ were generally similar and low compared with NO2?. There was also some suggestion that K8 was reduced at lower temperatures. At 15 C. Vmax for light and dark uptake for both NH4+ and NO3?, and light uptake of N02? were similar, suggesting comparable potential use at higher concentrations. Ammonium and NO3?uptake decreased at lower temperatures giving Qro values of 1.8 and 1.6, respectively, between 5 and 15°C. Nitrate and NH4+ were taken up together and high levels of NH4+ did not inhibit NO3? uptake. Light did not affect uptake of either but did stimulate NO2? uptake. Ammonium and NO3? uptake were highest in apical frond and whole young plants, and lowest in slower growing, older frond and stipe. On a relative basis. NO3?, NH4+ and NO2? were estimated to have contributed ca. 59, 39 and 2% respectively, to the yearly N uptake by apical frond. During winter, NO3? would provide ca. twice the N to F. spiralis as would, NH4+. From summer to early fall, when NO3? levels are lower, NO3? and NH4+ would be used in comparable amounts.
Keywords:ammonium uptake  Fucus  light intensity  macroalgae  nitrate uptake  nitrite uptake  nitrogen  temperature effects
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