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Airborne pine (Pinus spp.) pollen in the atmosphere of Perugia (Central Italy): Behaviour of pollination in the two last decades
Authors:Giuseppe Frenguelli  Emma Tedeschini  Francesca Veronesi  Emma Bricchi
Affiliation:(1) Department of Plant Biology, University of Perugia, I-06121 Perugia, Italy
Abstract:The phenology of many species, which grow intemperate climate, is principally regulated bythe temperature and the plants respond withvariations in the beginning, in the durationand in the intensity of the various phenophasestowards every climate change. We have analysedthe data of Pinus pollination in Perugia,Central Italy, during last 2 decades(1982–2001), in a period during which theannual mean temperature significantly increasedby about 0.8 °C.The pine pollination started, on average,between the end of March and mid-April andended in the last days of June, with a meanduration of 65 days. The start dates showed asignificant negative correlation with theaverage air temperature in March andsignificant trends towards an earlier beginningof pollination by 18 days (–0.9 day/year) and ashorter duration of the pollen season by 10days (–0.6 day/year) were found over thestudied period. Moreover, the trend of thedaily pollen counts showed, on average, analmost normal distribution, but the analysis ofeach yearly trend revealed significantdifferences correlated with the meantemperature during the pollen season. Theseobserved trends in pine pollination suggest theuse of aerobiological monitoring of thisairborne pollen as indicator of temperaturechange in Central Italy over a relatively longperiod.
Keywords:climatic changes  Pinus  pollen season  statistical analysis
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