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Cell Cycle Changes in the Shoot Apex of Silene coeli-rosa During the Second and Third Days of Floral Induction
Authors:TAYLOR, M.   FRANCIS, D.
Affiliation:School of Pure and Applied Biology, University of Wales College of Cardiff P.O. Box 915, Cardiff CFI 3TL, UK
Abstract:The cell cycle in Silene coeli-rosa shoot apices was measuredto test whether or not early components of the floral stimulus,produced during the 2nd and 3rd long days (LD) of an inductiveLD treatment, resulted in an increase in the duration of G2phase in constant 20–24 h cell cycles. Plants were grownat 20°C in short days (SD) of 8 h light and 16 h darknessfor 28 d (day 0). Starting on day 0, plants were given SD or3 LD each comprising an identical 8 h day and 16 h photo-extension,or 3 dark-interrupted (d.i.) non-inductive LD, interrupted at1700 h of each day with 1 h of darkness. The cell cycle (percentagelabelled mitoses method) and changes in cell number were determinedin the shoot apical meristem. During days 1–2 of the SDtreatment, the cell cycle and mean cell generation time (MCGT)was 18 and 32 h, respectively, giving a growth fraction of 56%.During days 2–3, the cell cycle and MCGT shortened to15 and 23 h, respectively (growth fraction = 65%). During days1–2 of the LD and d.i. LD treatments, cell cycles andMCGTs were 9–10 and 27–29 h, respectively, resultingin smaller growth fractions (about 33%). Thus, shortened cellcycles and altered growth fractions occurred regardless of whetheror not the treatment was inductive. The LD treatment resultedin a marked shortening of G1 and, to a lesser extent, S-phase,whilst G2 remained constant. These changes were consistent withincreases in the proportion of cells in G2 during the photoextensionof each LD which were suppressed during the comparable periodsof the d.i. LD treatment. The latter treatment resulted in eachphase occupying virtually identical proportions of the cellcycle as in the SD treatment. Thus, the unique cell cycle responsesto the initial part of the inductive LD treatment were increasesin the proportion of cells in G2 coupled with G1 and G2 beingof similar duration. Cell cycle, mean cell generation time, shoot apex, Silene coeli-rosa
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