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Separation and analysis of the major forms of plasma fibronectin
Authors:D L Amrani  G A Homandberg  N M Tooney  C Wolfenstein-Todel  M W Mosesson
Abstract:Human plasma fibronectin exists in circulation in multiple molecular forms that are distinguishable by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (zone I, approx. 450 kDa dimers; zone II, 190-235 kDa; Zone III, 146-175 kDa). (Chen, A.B., Amrani, D.L. and Mosesson, M.W. (1977) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 493, 310-322). We report here on investigations of plasma fibronectin that had been purified from the 'heparin-precipitable fraction' of plasma by DEAE-cellulose chromatography using buffers containing a chaotropic salt (KSCN). Zone I fibronectin and zone II fibronectin were subsequently separated by Sepharose CL-6B chromatography in the presence of 0.3 M KSCN. Electrophoresis of reduced zone I fibronectin dimers showed the presence of three types of subunits (i.e., 220 kDa, 215 kDa, 207 kDa), evidently all having the same NH2-terminal sequence. Subunits of this size were also found in reduced zone II fibronectin, as well as another polypeptide of 190 kDa, the latter amounting to under 5% of the total. Unreduced zone I fibronectin was resolved by gel electrophoresis into a doublet. The upper component amounted to approx. 90% of the total and was comprised of 220 kDa and/or 215 kDa subunits; the lower component contained 207 kDa plus a 220 kDa or 215 kDa subunit. Scanning transmission electron microscopy indicated that under physiologic conditions zone II fibronectin molecules, like those in zone I, exist as pleiomorphic, loosely folded structures (approx. 16 X 8-12 nm) that are somewhat smaller than dimeric zone I molecules (approx. 24 X 16 nm). Circular dichroic spectral analyses suggests that both types have similarly folded local domains. Affinity chromatography experiments revealed a relative decrease in the binding of zone II fibronectin to gelatin but no difference from zone I fibronectin with respect to heparin or fibrin binding.
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