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Light sensitivity of the ciliate Tetrahymena vorax induced by the fluorescent dye acridine orange.
Authors:H K Gr?nlien  A M L?vlie  O Sand
Affiliation:Department of Biology, University of Oslo, N-0316 Oslo, Norway. h.k.gronlien@bio.uio.no
Abstract:The ciliate Tetrahymena vorax is normally insensitive to light. However, after uptake of acridine orange, blue light evokes instant backward swimming. The dye accumulates mainly in posterior vacuoles, with half-maximal uptake after 1 min. Illumination for 10 s induced a depolarisation of approximately 15 mV lasting less than 2 s, followed by a sustained hyperpolarisation of approximately 20 mV. Deciliated cells displayed a similar response. The hyperpolarisation was linked to reduced membrane resistance, showed a reversal potential of approximately -55 mV and was blocked by 1 mmol l(-1) TEA. The rate of rise of electrically evoked Ca(2+)-spikes was reduced during the hyperpolarisation, which is compatible with elevated cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration. This suggests that the hyperpolarisation may be caused by activation of Ca(2+)-sensitive K(+) channels. The depolarisation was abolished in Ca(2+)-free medium, whereas the hyperpolarisation was unaffected. Illumination for 2 s, or prolonged stimulation restricted to the anterior part of the cell, induced depolarisation only. Illumination of the posterior part caused delayed hyperpolarisation with no preceding depolarisation. We conclude that the induced backward swimming is associated with Ca(2+) influx through anterior channels, while Ca(2+) released from intracellular stores activates K(+) channels responsible for the delayed hyperpolarisation.
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