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Environmental Effects on the Diurnal Accumulation of 45Ca by Young Fruit and Leaves of Tomato Plants
Authors:HO   LIM C.
Affiliation:Plant Physiology Department, AFRC Institute for Horticultural Research Littlehampton. West Sussex BN17 6LP. UK
Abstract:Diurnal uptake and distribution of 45Ca in young fruiting tomatoplants were assessed 12 or 24 h after 45Ca was applied to thenutrient solution at the beginning of either the light (12 h)or the dark (12 h) period. During the experiment, the salinityof the nutrient solution (measured as electrical conductivity,EC) was either 2·5 or 17 mS cm–1 and the relativehumidity (measured as vapour pressure deficit, VPD) was either0·2 or 0·6 kPa The uptake of 45Ca by a tomato plant over 12 h was higher inthe light than in the dark but the difference was less at lowhumidity. More 45Ca was transported from the roots to the shootin the light than in the dark. More than half of the 45Ca inthe shoot was accumulated by the stem; the proportion of 45Cain the stem was greater in the dark and was further enhancedby high humidity to more than 80% of the 45Ca in the shoot.The accumulation of 45Ca by the fruit truss in the dark wasgreater than in the light in all experimental conditions. Underlow humidity the accumulation of 45Ca by young leaves was similarin both light and dark. In high humidity there was considerablyless accumulation of 45Ca by the young leaves in the dark The uptake of 45Ca continued over 24 h but the transport of45Ca to individual organs in the second 12 h period was affectedby both light and humidity. Some of the 45Ca accumulated byyoung leaves and fruit in the second period appears to havebeen derived from 45Ca released from the xylem wall along thetransport pathway in the stem The roles of root pressure and transpiration in the diurnalaccumulation of calcium in young fruit and leaves are discussed Calcium, diurnal translocation, tomato, young fruit and leaves
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