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Genotypic Differences in Leaf Water Relations between Brassica juncea and B. napus
Authors:KUMAR, A   ELSTON, J
Affiliation:Department of Pure and Applied Biology, University of Leeds UK
Abstract:Various kinds of measurement of tissue water status were madeseveral times during water stress and recovery in Brassica juncea(cv Canadian Black) and B napus (cv Drakkar) Unstressed plantsof the two species had similar leaf water potentials ({psi}w), solute({psi}s) and turgor potentials ({psi}p) Values of relative water content(RWC) and the slope of the linear relationship between {psi}p andRWC ({Delta}{psi}p/{Delta}RWC) were greater in B napus than in B juncea Statistical correlations of pooled data for the watered andstressed treatments differentiated the relationships among RWC,{psi}w and its components in the two species The major statisticaldifference was that {Delta}{psi}p/{Delta}RWC was related to RWC in B napus andto {psi}w and {psi}s in B juncea A decline in {Delta}{psi}p/RWC with decreasing {psi}sin B juncea may be a mechanism for maintaining {psi}p at low soilwater potentials through maintenance of more elastic cell walls. Brassica juncea, Brassica napus, osmotic adjustment, tissue elasticity, water relations
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