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Light control of extractable nitrate reductase activity in higher plants
Authors:Stanley H. Duke  Stephen O. Duke
Affiliation:Dept of Agronomy, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, W1 53706, U.S.A.;USDA, ARS, Southern Weed Science Lab., Stoneville, MS 38776, U.S.A.
Abstract:Light regulation of extractable nitrate reductase (NR) activity of higher plants is complicated by: 1) involvement of several photoreceptors, 2) differences in the relative importance of the several photoreceptors among species and among developmental stages of the same species, 3) two types of effects – alteration of activity of existing NR and influences on de novo synthesis of NR, and 4) differing forms of NR within the same species. The interrelationships of all of these factors are not clear. It may be that each system will have to be understood separately before a general model can be developed. Immunochemical quantification of NR from systems exposed to varied light regimes may enhance our understanding of this area. Currently few general conclusions can be made; however, we think that the following statements are true or are usually true: (1) Phytochrome influences extractable NR activity by the low irradiance response and high irradiance response in etiolated tissues. (2) In de-etiolated tissues phytochrome can influence NR activity decay at the end of a light period by the low irradiance response. (3) The phytochrome equilibrium or the absolute level of Pfr influences extractable NR activity in green tissues under white light. (4) Blue light influences extractable NR activity through phytochrome and another, unknown, blue light-absorbing pigment. Flavins may be involved in vitro in reactivation of inactivated NR. (5) Photosynthesis does not directly influence the induction of the forms of NR that require substrate and light for induction. (6) In some tissues there appears to be a close link between nitrite-reducing and nitrate-reducing capabilities. (7) Much circumstantial evidence from kinetic and protein-synthesis-inhibitor studies and the only available immunochemical data indicate that light induces de novo synthesis of NR, resulting in increased extractable activity.
Keywords:Phytochrome    photomorphogenesis    photosynthesis    blue light-absorbing pigments
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