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Muscle capillarization, O2 diffusion distance, and VO2 kinetics in old and young individuals
Authors:Chilibeck, P. D.   Paterson, D. H.   Cunningham, D. A.   Taylor, A. W.   Noble, E. G.
Abstract:Chilibeck, P. D., D. H. Paterson, D. A. Cunningham, A. W. Taylor, and E. G. Noble. Muscle capillarization,O2 diffusion distance, andVO2 kinetics in old andyoung individuals. J. Appl. Physiol.82(1): 63-69, 1997.---The relationships between muscle capillarization, estimated O2diffusion distance from capillary to mitochondria, andO2 uptake(VO2) kineticswere studied in 11 young (mean age, 25.9 yr) and 9 old (mean age, 66.0 yr) adults. VO2kinetics were determined by calculating the time constants (tau ) forthe phase 2 VO2 adjustment to andrecovery from the average of 12 repeats of a 6-min, moderate-intensityplantar flexion exercise. Muscle capillarization was determined fromcross sections of biopsy material taken from lateral gastrocnemius.Young and old groups had similarVO2 kinetics(tau VO2-on = 44 vs. 48 s;tau VO2-off = 33 vs. 44 s, for young and old, respectively), muscle capillarization, andestimated O2 diffusion distances.Muscle capillarization, expressed as capillary density or averagenumber of capillary contacts per fiber/average fiber area, and theestimates of diffusion distance were significantly correlated toVO2-off kinetics in theyoung (r = -0.68 to -0.83;P < 0.05). We conclude that1) capillarization andVO2 kinetics during exerciseof a muscle group accustomed to everyday activity (e.g., walking) arewell maintained in old individuals, and2) in the young, recovery of VO2 after exercise isfaster, with a greater capillary supply over a given muscle fiber areaor shorter O2 diffusion distances.

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