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Callus Induction and Organ Differentiation in the Tissue Culture of Begonia fimbristipula Hance
Authors:Li Geng-guang  Zhang Lan-ying  Zhu Bao-qing  Guo Jun-yan Kuo Chun-yen
Abstract:This paper reports the organ differentiation in the tissue culture of Begonia fimbristipula Hance. Three types of regenerated plantlets were obtained: (1) callus differentiation, (2) growth center induced from the aseptic seedling leaf and (3) shoots were differentiated from roots developed from the callus. Callus could be obtained on SH medium as well as on MS basic medium supplemented with 2,4-D (0.1 ppm) +NAA (2.5 ppm) +KT (0.25 ppm). Experiments were carried out to compare the effects of different concentrations of sucrose on callus induction. It was found that the differentiation rate of callus was higher on MS medium than on SH medium. Comparative experiments were also carried out to find out the efficiency of callus differentiation by BA and 2ip at various concentrations. The better differentiation of callus was obtained at the range 0.25—2 ppm of BA, The cytological investigations showed that individual plantlet grown on the leaf was originated from the epidermal cells. According to our study, numerous plantlets can be obtained from a single leaf of aseptic seedlings. It is possible that this technique provides a way of rapid donal propogation of Begonia fimbristipula Hance.
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