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The Phytoeoenological Features of Mixed Evergreen and Deciduous Broadleaf Forest on Yellow-brown Soil Mountain in Guangxi
Authors:Wang Xian-pu arrd Hu Shun-shi
Abstract:The mixed evergreen and deciduons broadleaf forest on yeIlow-brown soil mountain belongs to climax vegetation type in humid subtropics. Analysis of its phytocoenological features shows that its physiognomy is characterized by leathery and herbaceous, simpie-leaved, microphyllous and mesophyllous types of evergreen broadleaf phanerophytes and deciduous broadleaf phanerophytes. As the structure of the community, from the aerial top to the forest floor, there are three distinct layers, namely, the tree layer, the shrub layer and the herbaceous layer. Moreover, the tree layer can be subdivided into three sublayers. Synusia structure is considerably complex, and there are different dominant synusia in each layer. The epiphytes and liana are not as abundant as that of seasonal rain forest. Floristic composition of the community is dominanted by endamic chinese subtropical plant species and East Asian elements. This condition indicates that it can be considered as a special vegetational type of humid chinese subtropics. Analysis of population in the community shows that most of the edificators have different age groups indicating normal reproduction of saplings and seedlings. This means that the habitat is suitable for their growth and reproduction during a certain duration of time. The community will be able to maintain its relative stable status. However, such a forest area is not large, and it is necessary to be protected intensively. Many kinds of rare plants in this forest, for example, Fagus lucida, Fagus longipetiolata, Cyclobalanopsis multinervis, Pseudosassafras tsumu, Manglietia fordiana, Manglietia chingii, Michelia maudiae, Castanopsis lamontii, Schima argentea, Pterostyrax leveillei etc. are worth mentioning.
Keywords:Mixed evergreen and deciduous broadleaf forest   Community physiognomy   Community structure   Floristic composition   Community succession  
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