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The Relationship between Sucrose Supply, Sucrose-cleaving Enzymes and Flower Abortion in Pepper
Affiliation:Department of Vegetable Crops, Institute of Field and Garden Crops, Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, P.O.B. 6, Bet-Dagan, 50250, Israel
Abstract:Abortion of pepper flowers depends on the light intensity perceivedby the plant and on the amounts of sucrose taken up by the flower(Aloni B, Karni L, Zaidman Z, Schaffer AA. 1996.Annals of Botany78: 163–168). We hypothesize that changes in the activityof sucrose-cleaving enzymes within the flower ovary might beresponsible for the changes in flower abortion under differentlight conditions. In the present study we report that the activityof sucrose synthase, but not of cytosolic acid invertase, increasesin flowers of pepper plants which were exposed, for 2 d, toincreasing photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) in therange of 85–400 µmol m-2s-1at midday. Sucrose synthaseactivity increased in parallel with the increasing concentrationsof starch in the flower ovary. Feeding flower explants, preparedfrom 3-d-predarkened plants, with 100 mM sucrose for 24 h, causeda 23% increase in reducing sugars and a 2.5-fold increase instarch concentration, compared with explants fed with buffer.Likewise, feeding explants of pepper flowers with sucrose, glucose,fructose and also mannitol increased the sucrose synthase activityin the ovaries. Concomitantly, sucrose, glucose and fructose,but not mannitol, reduced the abortion of flower explants. Itis suggested that sucrose entry into the flower increases theflower sink activity by inhibiting abscission and inducing metabolicchanges, thus enhancing flower set. Pepper; Capsicum annuum L.; abscission; light; pepper flowers; sucrose; glucose; fructose; starch; acid invertase; sucrose synthase
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