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Molecular characterization of major histocompatibility complex (B) haplotypes in broiler chickens
Authors:L Li,L W Johnson,&   S J Ewald
Affiliation:Department of Poultry Science ,;Department of Pathobiology, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849, USA
Abstract:In Leghorn (laying) chickens, susceptibility to a number of infectious diseases is strongly associated with the major histocompatibility ( B ) complex. Nucleotide sequence data have been published for six class I ( B-F ) alleles and for class II ( B-Lβ ) alleles or isotypes from 17 Leghorn haplotypes. It is not known if classical B-L or B-F alleles in broilers are identical, at the sequence level, to any Leghorn alleles. This report describes molecular and immunogenetic characterization of two haplotypes from commercial broiler breeder chickens that were originally identified by serology as a single haplotype, but were differentiated serologically in the present work. The two haplotypes, designated B A4 and B A4variant, shared identical B-G restriction fragment length polymorphism patterns, but differed in one B-Lβ fragment that cosegregated with the serological B haplotype. Furthermore, the nucleotide sequences of the highly variable exons of an expressed B-LβII family gene and B-F gene from the two haplotypes were markedly different from each other. Both the B-LβII family and B-F gene sequences from the B A4 haplotype were identical to the sequences obtained from the reference B 21 haplotype in Leghorns; however, in the B A4 haplotype the B-Lβ 21 and B-F 21 alleles were in linkage with B-G alleles that were not G 21. The nucleotide sequences from B A4variant were unique among the reported chicken B-LβII family and B-F alleles.
Keywords:broiler    chicken    major histocompatibility complex    polymorphism
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