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Increased Defoliation Frequency Depletes Remobilization of Nitrogen for Leaf Growth in Grasses
Affiliation: Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, AB15 8QH, UK
Abstract:Plants ofLolium perenneandFestuca rubrawere grown in sand culturereceiving all nutrients as a complete nutrient solution containing1.5 mMNH4NO3, and subjected to one of three defoliation treatments:undefoliated, defoliated on one occasion, or defoliated weekly.15Nlabelling was used to determine the rate of N uptake, allowingthe amount of N remobilized from storage for the growth of thetwo youngest leaves (subsequently referred to as ‘newleaves’) growing over a 14 d period after defoliationto be calculated. The total plant N uptake by both species wasreduced, compared with undefoliated plants, by both a singleand repeated defoliation, although neither caused complete inhibitionof uptake. Regularly defoliatedL. perennehad a greater reductionin root mass, concomitant with a greater increase in N uptakeper g root than did regularly defoliatedF. rubra. In both species,the amount of N derived from uptake recovered in the new leaveswas unaffected by the frequency of defoliation. BothL. perenneandF.rubramobilized nitrogen to the new leaves after a single defoliation,mobilization being sufficient to supply 50 and 41%, respectively,of the total nitrogen requirement. In regularly defoliated plants,no significant nitrogen was mobilized to the new leaves inL.perenne, and only a small amount was mobilized inF. rubra. Plantsachieved greater leaf regrowth when only defoliated once. Weconclude that increasing the frequency of defoliation of bothL.perenneandF. rubrahad little effect on the uptake of nitrogenby roots which was subsequently supplied to new leaves, butdepleted their capacity for nitrogen remobilization, resultingin a reduction in the rate of growth of new leaves. Lolium perenne; Festuca rubra; defoliation frequency; mobilization; root uptake; nitrogen
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