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Analyse pollinique des dépôts lacustresdu Pléistocène inférieur de Banyoles (Bañolas,site de la Bòbila Ordis - Espagne): un élément nouveau dans la reconstitution de l'histoire paléoclimatique des régions méditerranéennes d'Europe occidentale
Authors:Ramon Julia Bruguès  Jean-Pierre Suc
Abstract:Clays from Bòbila Ordis near Banyoles have yielded a rich pollen flora. Three pollen zones are recognizable: the lower and the middle parts are dominated by components of a deciduous forest (with numerous exotic taxa); in the upper part, Pinus pollen and NAP (especially Compositae) are in a majority with an increase of mediterranean taxa towards the top. This floristic evolution may be connected with a climatic change characterized by a decrease in humidity which is itself linked to a world cooling. We suggest a possible relation with the pollen flora published by H. Elhai. The pollen diagram of Bòbila Ordis is the second so far established from Lower Pleistocene deposits in the Mediterranean countries of Western Europe; chronologically it follows the Bernasso (Languedoc) pollen diagram and confirms the latter results.
Keywords:Palynodiagramme  Argile  Pléistocène Inf.  Sédimentation Lacustre  Paléoclimat  Cataluna (Banyoles  Banolas)  Pollen Diagram  Clay Lower  Pleistocene  Lacustrine Sedimentation  Paleoclimate  Cataluna (Banyoles  Banolas)
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