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An enigmatic early mesozoic dinosaur trackway from Zimbabwe
Authors:Theagarten Lingham‐Soliar  Tim Broderick
Affiliation:1. Paleontologkal Institute , Russian Academy of Sciences , ul. Profsoyuznaya 123, Moscow, 117647, Moscow E-mail: lenin33@paleo.ru;2. Makari, 19 ]enkinson Road, Chisipite, Harare, Zimbabwe
Abstract:A trackway from Zimbabwe of probably the smallest dinosaur footprints recorded in Africa, is described and tentatively assigned to the Early Jurassic. The footprints are possibly those of a theropod and show strong negative (outward) rotation of the pes and are associated with manus prints. The shape of the footprints, unusual negative rotation, posterior curvature of digit IV and curious positioning of the manus prints in relation to the pes are enigmatic but somewhat reminiscent of Atreipus. Although a number of propositions are considered the most likely is that the animal was an immature dinosaur using a quadrupedal gait. A second trackway of slightly larger footprints of a bipedal theropod dinosaur is also recorded along with other diminutive tracks that suggest an early dinosaur assemblage, possibly dating from near the Trias‐sic‐Jurassic boundary.
Keywords:Dinosaur tracks  theropod  juvenile  Jurassic  Zimbabwe
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