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Brown trout Salmo trutta f. Fario liver ultrastructure as a biomarker for assessment of small stream pollution
Authors:Michael Schramm Ewald Muller Rita Triebskorn
Abstract:T he effects of environmental pollutants from two small streams in south-west Germany on the liver of brown trout (S almo trutta f. Fario ) were studied as biomarkers by means of quantitative and semi-quantitative electron microscopy, and quantitatively by morphometrical measurements. Cellular damage was assessed semi-quantitatively based on a classification of ultrastructural responses. Both methods revealed more severe cellular effects in the liver of trout which had been exposed to the highly polluted stream than in those exposed to the lightly polluted river. Morphometrical studies showed a significant reduction of glycogen storage and a significant increase in number of mitochondria, peroxisomes and cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum. The biomarker responses of this study were correlated with the results obtained by limnological and analytical investigations, and reflect the levels of pollution in each stream.
Keywords:Brown Trout  Liver Ultrastructure  Biomarker  Aquatic Toxicology  Monitoring  Teleost  Salmo Trutta f. Fario
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