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Sugar-responsive gene expression, invertase activity, and senescence in aborting maize ovaries at low water potentials
Authors:McLaughlin John E  Boyer John S
Affiliation:College of Marine Studies and College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Delaware, 700 Pilottown Road, Lewes, DE 19958, USA
Abstract:• Background and Aims Ovary abortion can occur in maize(Zea mays) if water deficits lower the water potential ({psi}w) sufficientlyto inhibit photosynthesis around the time of pollination. Theabortion decreases kernel number. The present work exploredthe activity of ovary acid invertases and their genes, togetherwith other genes for sucrose-processing enzymes, when this kindof abortion occurred. Cytological evidence suggested that senescencemay have been initiated after 2 or 3 d of low {psi}w, and the expressionof some likely senescence genes was also determined. • Methods Ovary abortion was assessed at kernel maturity.Acid invertase activities were localized in vivo and in situ.Time courses for mRNA abundance were measured with real timePCR. Sucrose was fed to the stems to vary the sugar flux. • Key Results Many kernels developed in controls but mostaborted when {psi}w became low. Ovary invertase was active in controlsbut severely inhibited at low {psi}w for cell wall-bound forms invivo and soluble forms in situ. All ovary genes for sucroseprocessing enzymes were rapidly down-regulated at low {psi}w exceptfor a gene for invertase inhibitor peptide that appeared tobe constitutively expressed. Some ovary genes for senescencewere subsequently up-regulated (RIP2 and PLD1). In some genes,these regulatory changes were reversed by feeding sucrose tothe stems. Abortion was partially prevented by feeding sucrose. • Conclusions A general response to low {psi}w in maize ovarieswas an early down-regulation of genes for sucrose processingenzymes followed by up-regulation of some genes involved insenescence. Because some of these genes were sucrose responsive,the partial prevention of abortion with sucrose feeding mayhave been caused in part by the differential sugar-responsivenessof these genes. The late up-regulation of senescence genes mayhave caused the irreversibility of abortion.
Keywords:Zea mays   abortion   water potential   gene expression   senescence   sucrose   invertase   pollination   ovary development   sugar-responsive genes   ribosome inactivating protein   phospholipase D
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