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Rats' memory for event duration: differential effects of delaying the discriminative choice cue as opposed to the opportunity to execute the choice response
Authors:Angelo Santi  Lianne Stanford  James Coyle
Affiliation:Department of Psychology, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3C5, Canada
Abstract:Rats were trained to discriminate short or long durations of houselight illumination using a choice procedure. During the test phase of each trial, the left and right levers were presented with an auditory cue above one of them on (cued lever) while the other was off (uncued lever). The auditory cue was presented immediately after sample offset and the levers were inserted after the auditory cue had been presented for 2 s. For half of the rats, the correct response following the short sample was to press the cued lever, while following the long sample, it was to press the uncued lever. This was reversed for the remaining rats. Following acquisition of the discrimination, two different types of delay tests were administered. In the first set, the delay between offset of the sample and onset of the auditory cue was manipulated (Cue Delay Test). In the second set, the delay between onset of the auditory cue and entry of the levers into the chamber was manipulated (Response Delay Test). Cue Delay testing resulted in a choose-long bias at the longer delays. Response Delay testing did not result in a systematic response bias and there was little forgetting over the delay interval. These data suggest that the rats did not stop the internal clock when the nominal sample was offset, but allowed it to keep running until the auditory cue was presented. The data from the Response Delay Test indicate that either a response decision was made based on the clock reading as soon as the auditory cue was presented, or the clock reading itself was retained over the delay with no subjective shortening and little forgetting.
Keywords:Delayed conditional discrimination   Memory for time   Rat
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