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引用本文:葛利花,朱超,安静平,王振祥,靳桂云. 城子崖遗址植硅体反映的生业经济模式[J]. 人类学学报, 2022, 41(5): 883-898. DOI: 10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2021.0071
作者姓名:葛利花  朱超  安静平  王振祥  靳桂云
作者单位:1.中国社会科学院大学历史学院,北京 1024002.山东大学历史文化学院,济南 2501003.山东省文物考古研究院,济南 2501004.德国基尔大学史前与历史考古学院/杰出青年“ROOTS”学院, 德国基尔 D-241185.河北省文物保护中心,石家庄 0500006.山东大学文化遗产研究院,青岛 266237
摘    要:龙山文化是中国史前社会形态演进的关键阶段,亦是农业强化生产的关键时期。城子崖遗址是鲁北平原史前区域中心城址,其生业经济研究有助于理解该地区社会复杂化及文明进程。本文对城子崖遗址龙山时期不同遗迹单位的15份土样进行了系统的植硅体分析,尝试探讨了该遗址龙山文化时期的社会发展和生业经济水平、农作物生产和加工方式、野生植物资源利用情况以及各遗迹堆积及其所反映的人类行为活动信息。结果显示,该遗址龙山文化时期已形成粟、黍、稻、小麦、稗(可能)的农作物组合方式;同时,广泛采集利用聚落周边的自然植物资源,是农业与采集业并存发展的生业经济模式。先民在作物栽培中进行了锄草、灌溉等较为精细的管理,其中,黍较粟更具耐旱抗病特性,加上田间管理需求较低而被优先选择栽培。先民在收获作物时,采用类似割穗、掐穗等方法以减少作物茎秆及杂草混入,随后在户外进行小规模地脱壳、扬场工作。此外,根据灰坑中植硅体的组合特征可将其分为生活垃圾、谷物加工、蓄水淘米三个类型,水井和墓葬内的植硅体则分别与生活环境和丧葬环节等信息相关。

关 键 词:城子崖遗址  龙山文化  植硅体分析  生业经济  作物加工

Subsistence economy model reflected by phytolith from the Chengziya site
GE Lihua,ZHU Chao,AN Jingping,WANG Zhenxiang,JIN Guiyun. Subsistence economy model reflected by phytolith from the Chengziya site[J]. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 2022, 41(5): 883-898. DOI: 10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2021.0071
Authors:GE Lihua  ZHU Chao  AN Jingping  WANG Zhenxiang  JIN Guiyun
Abstract:The Longshan culture plays a vital role in the evolution of prehistoric social form, and also is a key period of agricultural production strengthened in China. As a regional center in the North Shandong Plain, the exploration of subsistence economy of the Chengziya site will contribute certainly to understanding the process of social complexity and civilization. In this research, phytolith has been used to explore the cultivation of crops, the crop processing methods, the utilization of wild plant resources, and the different human activities reflected by the 15 soil samples assemblages from different archaeological contexts. The results show that the Chengziya residents constructed an agriculture system with foxtail millet, broomcorn millet, rice, wheat, and barnyard millet(likely) and simultaneously gathered wild plants in the Longshan period. Meanwhile, low-requirement broomcorn millet was preferred in the cultivation, intensive field managements such as frequent weeding and irrigation might be practiced during the cultivation of other crop species. After ripening, crops were harvested likely by ear-plucking which led to fewer weeds and crop by-products involved and also later processed on household scales. Furthermore, the analysis based on different archaeological features revealed different aspects on the subsistence economy. The results from pits indicate daily life rubbish, crop processing, and grain cleaning before consumption may take place in different areas while the phytoliths from well and burials reveal more information related to the agricultural economy and plant utilization such as the production and utilization of crops and plants in the daily life and also in the funeral.
Keywords:Chengziya site  Longshan Culture  Analysis of phytolith  Subsistence economy  Crop processing  
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