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CO2-Fixation, Glycolate Formation, and Enzyme Activities of Photorespiration and Photosynthesis during Greening and Senescence of Sunflower Cotyledons
Abstract:Time-courses of 14CO2-fixation and of enzyme activities involvedin photorespiration and photosynthesis were determined duringthe life span of cotyledons from sunflower seedlings (Helianthusannuus L.). Glycolate formation in vivo was estimated from theresults of combined labelling and inhibitor experiments. NADPH-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphatedehydrogenase, NADPH-glyoxylate reductase and chlorophyll werewell correlated with the time-course of 14CO2-fixation (photosynthesis).There was, however, a considerable discrepancy between the developmentalsequence of photosynthesis and that of both ribulose-l,5-bisphosphatecarboxylase and glycolate oxidase. Furthermore, time-coursesof glycolate oxidase activity in vitro and of glycolate formationin vivo differed significantly. Therefore, the use of glycolateoxidase as a marker for the activity of photorespiration ingreening sunflower cotyledons may be questionable. Results from14CO2-labelling experiments with cotyledons treated with theglycolate oxidase inhibitor 2-hydroxy butynoic acid suggestthat glycolate formation relative to CO2-fixation is reducedin senescent cotyledons. Key words: Development, glycolate oxidase, photorespiration, ribulose-l,5-bisphosphate carboxylase, oxygenase
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