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Identification of Rep-Associated Factors in Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1-Induced Adeno-Associated Virus Type 2 Replication Compartments
Authors:Armel Nicolas  Nathalie Alazard-Dany  Coline Biollay  Loredana Arata  Nelly Jolinon  Lauriane Kuhn  Myriam Ferro  Sandra K. Weller  Alberto L. Epstein  Anna Salvetti  Anna Greco
Abstract:Adeno-associated virus (AAV) is a human parvovirus that replicates only in cells coinfected with a helper virus, such as adenovirus or herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). We previously showed that nine HSV-1 factors are able to support AAV rep gene expression and genome replication. To elucidate the strategy of AAV replication in the presence of HSV-1, we undertook a proteomic analysis of cellular and HSV-1 factors associated with Rep proteins and thus potentially recruited within AAV replication compartments (AAV RCs). This study resulted in the identification of approximately 60 cellular proteins, among which factors involved in DNA and RNA metabolism represented the largest functional categories. Validation analyses indicated that the cellular DNA replication enzymes RPA, RFC, and PCNA were recruited within HSV-1-induced AAV RCs. Polymerase δ was not identified but subsequently was shown to colocalize with Rep within AAV RCs even in the presence of the HSV-1 polymerase complex. In addition, we found that AAV replication is associated with the recruitment of components of the Mre11/Rad50/Nbs1 complex, Ku70 and -86, and the mismatch repair proteins MSH2, -3, and -6. Finally, several HSV-1 factors were also found to be associated with Rep, including UL12. We demonstrated for the first time that this protein plays a role during AAV replication by enhancing the resolution of AAV replicative forms and AAV particle production. Altogether, these analyses provide the basis to understand how AAV adapts its replication strategy to the nuclear environment induced by the helper virus.Adeno-associated virus (AAV) is a human parvovirus that is currently used as a gene transfer vector (14). AAV particles consist of a small icosahedral capsid protecting a single 4.7-kb single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) genome with two open reading frames, rep and cap, surrounded by inverted terminal repeats (ITRs). The ITRs are the only sequences required in cis for genome replication and packaging. The rep gene encodes four nonstructural Rep proteins: Rep78, -68, -52, and -40. The two larger isoforms, Rep78 and -68, have origin binding, helicase, and site-specific endonuclease activities and are involved in AAV gene expression and genome processing, including replication and site-specific integration (39). The two smaller Rep isoforms are not required for AAV DNA replication but are involved in the control of viral gene expression and packaging of viral DNA (30).When wild-type (wt) AAV infects a cell in the absence of a helper virus, it enters latency. Latent AAV genomes persist in cells either as episomes or as integrated genomes, preferentially at a specific locus (named AAVS1) on human chromosome 19. In most instances, no detectable viral gene expression or genome replication occurs unless the cell is co- or superinfected by a helper virus, such as adenovirus, herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), or HSV-2. Under these conditions, AAV replication and assembly take place in large intranuclear domains called replication compartments (RCs) that frequently colocalize with replication domains formed by the helper virus itself (81). The viral genome replicates by leading-strand synthesis and generates new ssDNA molecules by a strand displacement mechanism that occurs after strand- and site-specific cleavage of viral DNA by Rep78/68 within the ITRs (39).Studies conducted on the relationship between AAV and its helper viruses are important not only to identify helper activities that can be used to produce recombinant AAV vectors but also to understand how AAV adapts its replication strategy to the helper virus and to the nuclear environment in general. Adenovirus helper functions have historically been the first and most extensively studied functions. These studies have shown that adenovirus helps AAV by stimulating viral gene expression and by enhancing AAV genome replication, mostly indirectly (19). Indeed, early studies showed that the adenovirus polymerase (E2b) is dispensable for AAV replication (8) and that the viral DNA-binding protein (DBP), the product of the E2a gene, is able to modestly enhance the processivity of AAV genome replication in vitro (77). More recently, the adenovirus proteins E1b55k and E4orf6 were shown to stimulate AAV genome replication by degrading the cellular Mre11/Rad50/Nbs1 (MRN) complex that restricts AAV genome replication during adenovirus coinfection (32). The concept that AAV genome replication can rely mostly, if not uniquely, on direct help from cellular factors was further strengthened by the demonstration that purified proteins such as replication protein A (RPA), replication factor C (RFC), proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), minichromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins, and DNA polymerase δ (Pol δ) were sufficient to replicate the AAV genome in vitro in the presence of Rep (40-41, 43). The involvement of these cellular proteins during AAV genome replication was also confirmed by the proteomic analysis of factors associated with Rep proteins during adenovirus-induced AAV replication (42).Interestingly, studies conducted on HSV-1 helper activities suggest that the strategy of AAV replication may vary depending on the helper virus. Indeed, previous studies showed that the HSV-1 helicase-primase (HP) complex (UL5/8/52) and DBP (ICP8) could replicate transfected AAV-2 plasmids (80) and that the helicase activity, but not primase activity, of the HP complex was required for this effect (62, 66). More recently, a comprehensive study of HSV-1 helper activities demonstrated that the HSV-1 immediate-early proteins ICP0, ICP4, and ICP22 could stimulate rep gene expression, probably by diminishing intrinsic antiviral effects (1, 18). In addition, the HSV-1 DNA polymerase encoded by UL30, along with its associated processivity factor (UL42), although not strictly required, was demonstrated to significantly increase AAV replication levels induced in the presence of the HP complex and ICP8. Interestingly, the HSV-1 HP complex, DBP, and polymerase were also shown to be sufficient to replicate AAV DNA in vitro in the presence of Rep proteins without any cellular protein (78). Altogether, these observations indicate that in the context of an HSV-1 coinfection, AAV relies extensively on viral activities provided by the helper that directly participate in AAV genome replication.To further elucidate the strategy of AAV replication in the presence of HSV-1, we undertook a proteomic analysis to identify the cellular and HSV-1 factors associated with Rep proteins and, consequently, potentially recruited within AAV RCs. To analyze Rep-associated proteins in the presence and absence of HSV-1 DNA replication, this analysis was performed using wt HSV-1 and an HSV-1 mutant in which the DNA polymerase encoded by the UL30 gene is absent (HSVΔUL30). This study resulted in the identification of approximately 60 cellular proteins, among which the largest functional categories corresponded to factors involved in DNA and RNA metabolism. Immunofluorescence analyses confirmed that in the presence of HSV-1, a basal set of cellular DNA replication enzymes, including RPA, RFC, and PCNA, was recruited within AAV RCs, with the exception of the MCM helicases. The cellular DNA polymerases, in particular Pol δ, were not identified by this analysis but subsequently were shown to be recruited in AAV RCs even in the presence of the HSV-1 polymerase complex. In addition, our results indicate that AAV replication induced by HSV-1 is associated with the recruitment of DNA repair factors, including components of the MRN complex, the Ku proteins, PARP-1, and factors of the mismatch repair (MMR) pathway. Finally, several HSV-1 proteins, most notably the UL12 protein, were also identified within AAV RCs. Our analyses confirmed the association between UL12 and Rep and demonstrated for the first time that this viral exonuclease plays a critical role during AAV replication by enhancing the formation of discrete AAV replicative forms and the production of AAV particles.Altogether, these results indicate that in the presence of HSV-1, AAV may replicate by using a basal set of cellular DNA replication enzymes but also relies extensively on HSV-1-derived proteins for its replication, including UL12, a newly discovered helper factor. These results suggest that AAV may be able to differentially adapt its replication strategy to the nuclear environment induced by the helper virus.
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