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Stress in Yucatan spider monkeys: effects of environmental conditions on fecal cortisol levels in wild and captive populations
Authors:A. Rangel-Negrí  n,J. L. Alfaro,R. A. Valdez,M. C. Romano,&   J. C. Serio-Silva
Affiliation:Departamento de Biología, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain;
UCLA Center for Society and Genetics, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA;
Departamento de Fisiología Biofísica y Neurociencias, Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados del IPN, México D.F., México;
Departamento de Biodiversidad y Ecología Animal, Instituto de Ecología AC, Xalapa, Veracruz, México
Abstract:In the Yucatán Peninsula, spider monkeys Ateles geoffroyi yucatanensis are generally found in two contrasting conditions: large tracts of conserved forest or small fragments surrounded by human populations. In the present study, we analyzed fecal cortisol levels of spider monkeys to investigate whether environmental conditions have an influence on stress; specifically, we compared fecal cortisol across individuals living in conserved forests, fragmented forests and captive conditions (zoos and pets). Radioimmunoanalysis of fecal samples from 121 individuals indicated significant differences in mean cortisol for A. g. yucatanensis based on habitat type, with the lowest levels found in the conserved forest condition. The higher cortisol levels in both fragmented forest populations and in captive individuals may be the result of metabolic and behavioral stress. The mean male fecal cortisol concentration was significantly higher than that of females, and the fecal cortisol concentration was higher in the dry season compared with the wet season in a conserved habitat. Therefore, we emphasize the importance of considering sex and seasonality when monitoring fecal cortisol concentrations of spider monkeys, and more generally of frugivores, as they face a seasonal variation in food availability. Finally, our results suggest that forest fragmentation may create long-term stressors for spider monkeys, affecting the viability of populations living under such conditions.
Keywords:Ateles geoffroyi    glucocorticoids    habitat disturbance    México    stress    cortisol
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