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In vivo aging of oocytes influences the behavior of nuclei transferred to enucleated rabbit oocytes
Authors:Pierre G. Adenot,Maria S. Szö  llö  si,Patrick Chesné  ,Sylvie Chastant,Jean-Paul Renard
Abstract:The present study examined nuclear remodeling in rabbit nuclear transfer (NT) embryos formed from metaphase II (MII) oocytes aged in vivo until 19 hr postcoitum (hpc), enucleated, and fused at 22–26 hpc with 32-cell morula blastomeres by means of electric fields, which also induced recipient oocyte activation. Post-activation events observed during the first hour following the fusion/activation pulse were studied in terms of chromatin, lamins, and micro-tubules, and revealed that transferred nuclei underwent premature chromosomes condensation (PCC) in only one-third of NT embryos and remained in interphase in others. Recipient oocytes were mostly not activated by manipulations performed before the fusion/activation pulse. The persistance of transferred nuclei in interphase resulted from the rapid progression of recipient oocytes to interphase after activation, suggesting that the cytoplasmic state of MII oocytes aged in vivo was poised for the approach to interphase. Studying micro-tubular organization in MII oocytes before nuclear transfer manipulations, we found that 19 hpc MII oocytes aged in vivo differed from 14 hpc MII oocytes (freshly ovulated) and from 19-hpc MII oocytes aged in vitro (collected at 14 hpc and cultured for 5 hr), notably by the presence of microtubule asters and tubulin foci or only tubulin foci dispersed throughout the cytoplasm. When PCC was avoided, remodeling of the transferred nucleus was well advanced 1 hr after nuclear transfer, and NT embryos developed better to the blastocyst stage. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 46:325–336, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Keywords:microtubules  oocyte activation  nuclear remodeling
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