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Systematic approaches to using the FOX hunting system to identify useful rice genes
Authors:Kondou Youichi  Higuchi Mieko  Takahashi Shinya  Sakurai Tetsuya  Ichikawa Takanari  Kuroda Hirofumi  Yoshizumi Takeshi  Tsumoto Yuko  Horii Yoko  Kawashima Mika  Hasegawa Yukako  Kuriyama Tomoko  Matsui Keiko  Kusano Miyako  Albinsky Doris  Takahashi Hideki  Nakamura Yukiko  Suzuki Makoto  Sakakibara Hitoshi  Kojima Mikiko  Akiyama Kenji  Kurotani Atsushi  Seki Motoaki  Fujita Miki  Enju Akiko  Yokotani Naoki  Saitou Tsutomu  Ashidate Kozue  Fujimoto Naka  Ishikawa Yasuo  Mori Yayoi  Nanba Rie  Takata Kazumasa  Uno Kuniko  Sugano Shoji  Natsuki Jun  Dubouzet Joseph Gogo  Maeda Satoru  Ohtake Miki  Mori Masaki  Oda Kenji
Affiliation:RIKEN Plant Science Center, 1-7-22 Suehiro-cho, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 230-0045 Japan,;
Research Institute for Biological Sciences Okayama, 7549-1 Yoshikawa, Kibi-chuo, Okayama 716-1241 Japan, and;
Disease Resistance Research Unit, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, 2-1-2 Kan-nondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8602, Japan
Abstract:Ectopic gene expression, or the gain-of-function approach, has the advantage that once the function of a gene is known the gene can be transferred to many different plants by transformation. We previously reported a method, called FOX hunting, that involves ectopic expression of Arabidopsis full-length cDNAs in Arabidopsis to systematically generate gain-of-function mutants. This technology is most beneficial for generating a heterologous gene resource for analysis of useful plant gene functions. As an initial model we generated more than 23 000 independent Arabidopsis transgenic lines that expressed rice fl-cDNAs (Rice FOX Arabidopsis lines). The short generation time and rapid and efficient transformation frequency of Arabidopsis enabled the functions of the rice genes to be analyzed rapidly. We screened rice FOX Arabidopsis lines for alterations in morphology, photosynthesis, element accumulation, pigment accumulation, hormone profiles, secondary metabolites, pathogen resistance, salt tolerance, UV signaling, high light tolerance, and heat stress tolerance. Some of the mutant phenotypes displayed by rice FOX Arabidopsis lines resulted from the expression of rice genes that had no homologs in Arabidopsis . This result demonstrated that rice fl-cDNAs could be used to introduce new gene functions in Arabidopsis. Furthermore, these findings showed that rice gene function could be analyzed by employing Arabidopsis as a heterologous host. This technology provides a framework for the analysis of plant gene function in a heterologous host and of plant improvement by using heterologous gene resources.
Keywords:rice    Arabidopsis    full-length cDNA    FOX hunting system    transgenic plants
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