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Promoter Trapping in Arabidopsis Using T-DNA Insertional Mutagenesis
Authors:Radhamony Resminath  Anand Mohan Prasad  Dhiraj R. Thakare  C. Sivanandan  S. R. Bhat  Srinivasan
Affiliation:1. National Research Centre on Plant Biotechnology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, 110 012, India
Abstract:A new promoter trap vector was constructed based on the juxtaposition of T-DNA right border to coding sequence of GUS. The new vector pRN-1 carried an intron in the GUS coding region. Promoter trap vectors pGKB5 and pRN-1 vectors were used to transform Arabidopsis ecotype Columbia using the floral dip transformation system. The transformants were selected on appropriate selection media and the primary transformants were confirmed by PCR using gene specific primers. Approximately 50 % of the T2 lines segregated for a 3:1 ratio indicating presence of T-DNA at single locus. Approximately 15% of the transformed lines showed expression of GUS. Morphological mutants for male sterility and dwarfism were also identified in the T2 population. A T-DNA tagged line was identified in T2 with GUS expression specifically in the floral parts. The number of T-DNA loci in this line was confirmed by Southern blot hybridization. T-DNA flanking region isolated from this line suggested insertions into chromosome 2 at two closely linked loci. The results demonstrate that the population generated can be used effectively to identify and characterize gene regulatory elements.
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