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摘    要:戴芳澜教授(1893.5.4—1973.1.3)是我国真菌学的创始人,也是我国植物病理学的主要奠基人之一。他为祖国培养了大量人才。为纪念他的光辉业绩,值戴教授诞辰九十周年、逝世十周年之际,特发表他的一篇评论性论文;戴教授的主要著作目录;俞大绂、陈鸿逵、周家炽、裘维蕃、相望年等教授的怀念性文章和他一生中各时期的照片两版,以资纪念。

Abstract:Professor Tai Fang-lan (F. L. Tai) was born on May 4, 1893 at Jiangling County, Hubei Province, China. He had his middle school and pre-college education at Zhendan Middle School in Shanghai and Tsing Hua School in Beijing (Peking). From 1914 to 1919 he entered the University of Wisconsin, Cornell University majoring in plant pathology and mycology and the Graduate School of Columbia University in the United States. In the period of 1923—1934, Professor Tai taught plant pathology and mycology in several colleges and universities in China. He was professor of plant pathology and mycology at Colleges of Agriculture, Southeastern University (1923—1927) and University of Nanking (Nanjing) (1927—1934). He was Professor and Head of Division of Plant Pathology, Institute of Agricultural Research (1934—1950) and Professor and Chairman of the Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, Tsing Hua University (1934—1950). After liberation, Professor Tai was Professor of Mycology at the Beijing Agricultural University (1950—1957). He became the first Head of the Laboratory of Mycology and Plant Pathology (1953—1956), Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica and later Director of Institute of Applied Mycology (1956—1958), and Institute of Microbiology (1959—1973) when these institutions were established in the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Professor Tai was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1956. He was also the President of the Chinese Society of Phytopathology and Honorary President of the Chinese Society of Plant Protection, and Editor-in-chief of "Acta Phytopathologica Sinica". In 1955 he was conferred a Corresponding Member of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of DDR. Professor Tai was a deputy to the First, Second and Third National People's Congress. He joined the Chinese Communist Party in 1956. Professor Tai had devoted his whole life to the research work and education of mycology and plant pathology, and had made great contributions to the founding and development of these branches of sciences in China. Under his guidance several generations of mycologists and plant pathologists had been brought up. Professor Tai's main interest was in the taxonomy of fungi, particularly the Erysiphales, Geoglossaceae, Uredinales, Nidulariales, Cercosporae as well as the developmental morphology of Myriangium and cytogenetics of Neurospora. More than fifty research papers had been published by him in China or abroad. His comprehensive "Sylloge Fungorum Sinicorum" was published in 1979 by the Science Press, Beijing, China. In order to commemorate Professor Tai's great contributions, on his ninetieth birthday this year. the Editorial Board decided to publish in this issue Professor Tai's review article on "Brefeld's View of Fungal Phylogeny and Its Influence on the Classification of Fungi" written in 1962; a list of Professor Tai's main works; some reminiscent essays by Tai's former students; and nine photos of Professor Tai and his family in different periods of his life.
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