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Mitochondrial Superoxide Radicals Differentially Affect Muscle Activity and Neural Function
Authors:Tanja Godenschwege  Renée Forde  Claudette P Davis  Anirban Paul  Kristopher Beckwith  Atanu Duttaroy
Institution:*Department of Biological Sciences, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida 33431 and Biology Department, Howard University, Washington, DC 20059
Abstract:Cellular superoxide radicals (O2) are mostly generated during mitochondrial oxygen metabolism. O2 serves as the raw material for many reactive oxygen species (ROS) members like H2O2 and OH.− radicals following its catalysis by superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzymes and also by autocatalysis (autodismutation) reactions. Mitochondrial ROS generation could have serious implications on degenerative diseases. In model systems overproduction of mitochondrial O2 resulting from the loss of SOD2 function leads to movement disorders and drastic reduction in life span in vertebrates and invertebrates alike. With the help of a mitochondrial SOD2 loss-of-function mutant, Sod2n283, we measured the sensitivity of muscles and neurons to ROS attack. Neural outputs from flight motor neurons and sensory neurons were unchanged in Sod2n283 and the entire neural circuitry between the giant fiber (GF) and the dorsal longitudinal muscles (DLM) showed no overt defect due to elevated ROS. Such insensitivity of neurons to mitochondrial superoxides was further established through neuronal expression of SOD2, which failed to improve survival or locomotive ability of Sod2n283. On the other hand, ultrastructural analysis of Sod2n283 muscles revealed fewer mitochondria and reduced muscle ATP production. By targeting the SOD2 expression to the muscle we demonstrate that the early mortality phenotype of Sod2n283 can be ameliorated along with signs of improved mobility. In summary, muscles appear to be more sensitive to superoxide attack relative to the neurons and such overt phenotypes observed in SOD2-deficient animals can be directly attributed to the muscle.BETWEEN Drosophila, mouse, and human, the enzymatic antioxidant defense system shares similar organization both structurally (Landis and Tower 2005) and functionally. Besides having a good degree of homology (Duttaroy et al. 1994; Landis and Tower 2005), other significant similarities include the presence of a single copy of Sod1 and Sod2 genes in each with no degree of functional complementation between these enzymes (Copin et al. 2000). While vertebrates have developed additional antioxidant defense enzymes such as glutathione peroxidase (Gpx) and extracellular superoxide dismutase (EcSOD or Sod3), neither Gpx nor an active SOD3 has been demonstrated in Drosophila, although a Sod3-like sequence has been identified (Landis and Tower 2005). Complete loss of SOD2 function is fatally injurious for both mice and Drosophila (Li et al. 1995; Lebovitz et al. 1996; Kirby et al. 2002; Duttaroy et al. 2003). The severe phenotypic effects of SOD2 loss of function have been attributed to elevated DNA damage and protein carbonylation (Golden and Melov 2001). SOD2 loss of function has also been attributed to “free radical attack” or “oxidative insult” on mitochondria where obvious mitochondrial damage was apparent from the inactivation of mitochondrial Fe-S cluster enzymes aconitase and succinate dehydrogenase (Melov et al. 1999; Kirby et al. 2002; Paul et al. 2007). Furthermore, impairment of cellular signaling, specifically those induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Klotz 2005), might also play a very significant role in the early mortality effects of SOD2-deficient flies as indicated recently (Wicks et al. 2009).Sod2 null mice with damaged mitochondria display a number of pathologies including cardiomyopathy (Li et al. 1995), neurodegeneration, and seizures (Melov et al. 1998). Drosophila mutants of mitochondrial dysfunction are also claimed to be associated with neurodegeneration (Kretzschmar et al. 1997; Min and Benzer 1997, 1999; Rogina et al. 1997; Palladino et al. 2002, 2003; Celotto et al. 2006). In addition to the neurons, muscles are important targets for oxidative modification (Choksi and Papaconstantinou 2008; Choksi et al. 2008). Aerobic muscles with high mitochondrial content and high myoglobin levels, for example, show a significant increase in oxidative modification of all electron transport chain proteins compared to muscles with fewer mitochondria and less myoglobin (anaerobic muscle) (Choksi and Papaconstantinou 2008; Choksi et al. 2008). Mice lacking the Cu-ZnSOD enzyme suffer from a rapid loss of skeletal muscle mass, resembling an accelerated sarcopenia (Jackson 2006; Muller et al. 2006). We therefore set out to measure the impact of heightened superoxide concentration on neurons and muscles of Sod2n283 flies that are devoid of SOD2, the principal scavenger of superoxide radicals in mitochondria (Duttaroy et al. 2003; Belton et al. 2006).
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