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Purification, sequencing and functions of calreticulin from maize
Authors:Napier, R.M.   Trueman, S.   Henderson, J.   Boyce, J.M.   Hawes, C.   Fricker, M.D.   Venis, M.A.
Abstract:The most abundant proteins in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum(ER) are thought to be molecular chaperones, some of which mightalso be involved in calcium storage and release. We have purifiedcalreticulin from maize by ion exchange and reverse-phase chromatography.Identity with plant and animal calreticulins was confirmed byN-terminal amino acid sequencing and it was shown to bind calciumwith a calcium overlay technique. An antiserum raised to thepurified protein was used to screen an expression library andthe full coding sequence for maize calreticulin was determinedfrom the clones selected. The sequence shows 96% identity tobarley calreticulin and 55% identity to animal calreticulins.The three major functional regions are conserved, as are targetingand retention features. When visualized by indirect immunofluorescencemicroscopy, calreticulin was found to be confined to the ERand nuclear envelope of maize root cells. It was distributedthroughout the ER compartment and we found no evidence of calreticulin-enriched areas of ER, such as might be associated with specializedcalcium storage domains. Increasing or decreasing extracellularcalcium did not induce measurable changes in calreticulin levels.In addition, maize calreticulin, as well as other recognizedchaperones, was shown to bind to denatured protein and couldbe eluted specifically by nucleoside trisphosphates. Key words: Endoplasmic reticulum, calcium-binding protein, immunofluorescence, targeting, Zea mays L
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