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Muscle and nerve in muscular dysgenesis in the mouse at birth: Sprouting and multiple innervation
Authors:François Rieger  Martine Pinçon-Raymond
Affiliation:Groupe de Biologie et Pathologie Neuromusculaires, INSERM, U 153, 17, rue du Fer-à-Moulin, 75005 Paris, France
Abstract:Muscular dysgenesis (mdg) in the mouse is a recessive autosomal mutation affecting the striated musculature: during the whole gestation period, the muscles never show any sign of contractile activity. They are cytologically immature at birth, although the diaphragm is more mature than limb muscles, as confirmed by the levels of creatine phosphokinase. In both limb muscles and diaphragm the cytochemical localization of acetylcholinesterase demonstrates focal accumulations on the entire surface of mdgmdg muscles, whereas such foci of acetylcholinesterase activity are restricted to a narrow end plate-rich region in +mdg? diaphragms. Teased single mdgmdg myofiber preparations show that one myofiber can possess several foci of acetylcholinesterase, generally presenting aspects of very immature motor end plates. A study of the motor innervation, after silver nitrate impregnation, provides evidence for a spectacular overgrowth and a generalized sprouting of mdgmdg nerves and axons. The mdgmdg nerve terminals are generally very immature-looking, with an intense ultraterminal sprouting. Aspects suggesting a denser multiple innervation of mdgmdg than +mdg? myofibers have been observed and choline acetyltransferase activity is increased in mdgmdg tissues. Acetylcholinesterase specific activity and the number of α-bungarotoxin binding sites per milligram protein increased in mdgmdg compared to +mdg? diaphragms. The very low amount of 16 S (and 12 S) acetylcholinesterase is probably related to mdgmdg muscle inactivity. If the cytological and biochemical data are compared, it seems possible to propose that mdgmdg myofibers and axons are in contact in several regions of the same myofiber, in variably mature appositions, and with a very dense multi-innervation.
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