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Early growth in male and female fallow deer fawns
Authors:Birgersson, Bjorn   Ekvall, Kenneth
Affiliation:Department of Zoology, Stockholm Univeersity 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
Abstract:In this paper we present data from a long-term study on earlygrowth and related variables in fallow deer fawns living inlarge enclosures. Pre-winter body mass was constantly higherand more strongly correlated to subadult body mass in malesthan in females. To find out the mechanism for this higher pre-wintermass in males, we analyzed the variation in pre-winter massin relation to sex, year, mother's body mass, age and parityof mother, birth date, birth mass, growth rate, suckling behavior,and other behaviors. Birth mass was higher for male fawns, andgestation length, birth date, and weaning date did not differbetween the sexes. Consequently, both pre- and postnatal growthwere faster in males than in females. No behavioral differenceswere found between the sexes that could explain the differencein postnatal growth. Pre-winter mass was positively relatedto mother's body mass. Heavy mothers gave birth earlier andto larger offspring who grew at a higher rate, independent ofoffspring sex. However, male fawns born to primiparous mothershad relatively lower growth than male fawns born to multiparousmothers. This was not the case for female fawns. Suckling timeafter the first 2 weeks was positively related to mother's bodymass and growth of offspring. However, no measurements of sucklingbehavior differed between male and female fawns. Our results,except for the effect of parity on male and female growth, indicatethat selection has not acted on mothers to promote faster earlygrowth in males.
Keywords:body mass   Dama dama   early growth   fallow deer   growth rate   maternal care   parity   suckling   weaning.
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