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Structural and functional characteristics of primary cell cultures derived from the adrenal gland tissue of neonatal mallard ducklings (Anas platyrhynchos)
Authors:J. L. Redondo  Prof. James Cronshaw  Prof. W. N. Holmes  Fang-Yuh Lin
Affiliation:(1) Department of Biological Sciences and the Marine Science Institute, University of California, 93106 Santa Barbara, California, USA;(2) Present address: Centro de Investigacion sobre Ingenieria Genetica y Biotecnologia, AP510-3, Colonia Miraval, 62270 Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
Abstract:Summary Primary cell cultures were prepared from the adrenal glands of one-day-old mallard ducklings (Anas platyrhynchos). The cells attached equally well to uncoated plastic and glass surfaces and on surfaces that had been coated with collagen. The phase of logarithmic growth occurred between the second and the fourth day, and the cells became confluent between the fifth and the sixth day. Staining with Sudan black B and toluidine blue and viewing fixed preparations by transmission electron microscopy indicated that the cultures consisted mostly of steroidogenic cells. A smaller population of chromaffin cells was also present. Scanning electron microscopy showed that most of the cells had long filopodia, and some cells had numerous surface blebs that were interpreted as exocytotic vesicles. When incubated in Krebs-Henseleit buffer containing 1–24 ACTH the cultured cells released three corticosteroids, namely, corticosterone, aldosterone and deoxycorticosterone. These responses occurred within 15 min of exposure to medium containing 1–24 ACTH and continued throughout a 60-min period of continuous stimulation. The minimally effective concentration of 1–24 ACTH was 0.078 ng per ml (0.0234 nM) and, as the concentration was increased up to 10 ng per ml (2.99 nM), the total output of each hormone during the 60-min incubation period increased significantly according to the following semi-logarithmic relationship: Y=a+b log X, where Y=the total output of hormone, X=the concentration of 1–24 ACTH in the medium, and a=the total output of hormone when the medium contained 1.0 ng of 1–24 ACTH per ml. The total outputs of each hormone in the presence of a maximally effective concentration of 1–24 ACTH, however, were low compared to the responses of similarly stimulated tissue slices taken from the neonatal duckling. It is concluded that most of the cells comprising the confluent cultures were derived from steroidogenic cells in the neonatal adrenal. These cells appeared to retain corticotropin receptors during the course of developing into confluent monolayers, but their diminished steroidogenic capacity to respond when stimulated maximally suggests that some generational changes may have occurred.This work was supported by grants to James Cronshaw and W.N. Holmes from the University of California Committee on Research and the National Science Foundation (DIR-8820923), Washington, DC, USA
Keywords:ACTH  Adrenal gland  Cell culture  Corticosteroid  Steroidogenesis  Mallard duckling (Anas platyrhynchos)
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