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Escherichia Coli Mutator Mutd5 Is Defective in the Muthls Pathway of DNA Mismatch Repair
Authors:R. M. Schaaper
Affiliation:Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709.
Abstract:We have previously reported that the Escherichia coli mutator strain mutD5 was defective in the correction of bacteriophage M13mp2 heteroduplex DNA containing a T.G mismatch. Here, this defect was further investigated with regard to its interaction with the mutHLS pathway of mismatch repair. A set of 15 different M13mp2 heteroduplexes was used to measure the mismatch-repair capability of wild-type, mutL and mutD5 cells. Throughout the series, the mutD5 strain proved as deficient in mismatch repair as the mutL strain, indicating that the repair defect is similar in the two strains in both extent and specificity. [One exception was noted in the case a T.G mispair that was subject to VSP (Very Short Patch) repair. VSP repair was abolished by mutL but not by mutD.] Variation in the dam-methylation state of the heteroduplex molecules clearly affected repair in the wild-type strain but had no effect on either the mutD or mutL strain. Finally, mutDmutL or mutDmutS double-mutator strains were no more deficient in mismatch repair as were the single mutator strains. The combined results strongly argue that the mismatch-repair deficiency of mutD5 cells resides in the mutH,L,S-dependent pathway of mismatch repair and that the high mutation rate of mutD strains derives in part from this defect.
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