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Female proximity stimulates development of male competition in juvenile brown-headed cowbirds, Molothrus ater
Authors:Andrew P. King  Meredith J. West
Affiliation:Department of Psychology, Indiana University
Abstract:We investigated how individual variation in social behaviour among group members interacts to affect social structure and development of reproductive skills. We randomly assigned juvenile male and juvenile and adult female cowbirds to four aviaries and observed patterns of singing and social assortment in each. Although social composition of each aviary was the same, juvenile males in one aviary engaged in more intra- and intersexual affiliation and singing interactions. We designed a series of rotations of individuals among the aviaries to determine which individual traits were responsible for the observed group differences. First, we rotated groups of three males from a less interactive aviary into a more interactive aviary, replacing interactive males. Within 4 days, the rotated males changed their behaviour to match the aviary into which they had been moved (i.e. interactive males became less interactive and vice versa). Next, we rotated juvenile females through the aviaries. After this rotation, the behaviour of the juvenile females remained the same, but the behaviour of the resident males changed, becoming like the males in the females' former aviaries (i.e. when juvenile females were moved from an interactive aviary into a noninteractive aviary, the males in the new aviary became more interactive and vice versa). Across the aviaries, the amount of female-male associations correlated positively with male-male competition. During the breeding season, males that had experienced more competition over the year received more copulations than males that had experienced little competition. Furthermore, more eggs were produced in aviaries containing competitive males than in aviaries containing less competitive males. Past work has shown that females can influence male vocal development; here we show that they can also influence male social development. Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 
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