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Chromatophore Organs, Reflector Cells, Iridocytes and Leucophores in Cephalopods
Institution:Department of Zoology, University of Washington Seattle Washington 98195
Abstract:The chromatophore organs of Lohgo are each composed of fivetypes of cells: a central pigment cell: radially arranged, obliquelystriated muscle fibers: neuronal processes; glial cells: andan investment of sheath cells. Sheath cells are absent in Octopuschromatophore organs. The cycle of expansion and retractionof a chromatophore organ may occur within the order of a second.It is clear that the muscle fibers expand the pigment cell andspread out the pigment granules. The pigment is contained withinan unusual, filamentous, cytoplasmic compartment called thecytoelastic sacculus. This compartment has elastic properties. Reflector cells and iridocytes produce structural colors eventhough their components are colorless. Reflector cells in Octopusbear peripheral sets of leaf-like reflecting lamellae calledreflectosomes: these contain proteinaceous platelets with ahigh refractive index (1.42). In each reflectosome the reflectinglamellae are separated by gaps that are about equal to the thicknessof the lamellae, but have a lower refractive index (1.33). Reflectosomesare believed to reflect light and to function as thin-film interferencedevices. Iridocytes in squid and cuttlefish contain iridosomes that arealso composed of sets of ribbon-like platelets but these arelocated centrally within the cell body. The platelets are usuallyoriented on edge with respect to the surface of the skin. Thepossibility that dermal iridocytes may act as diffraction gratingsis discussed. Leucophores have thousands of processes that containglobules of protein with a high refractive index. These cellsscatter light of all wave lengths and appear white in whitelight.
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