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Social constraints limit dispersal and settlement decisions in a group-living bird species
Authors:Griesser, Michael   Nystrand, Magdalena   Eggers, Sonke   Ekman, Jan
Affiliation:a Population Biology, Department of Ecology and Evolution, Evolutionary Biology Centre, Uppsala University, SE-75236 Uppsala, Sweden b Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, Western Bank, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK c Section of Ecology, Department of Biology, Turku University, FI-20014 Turku, Finland
Abstract:Dispersal is a fundamental process affecting the genetic structureof populations, speciation, and extinction. Nevertheless, ourunderstanding of the evolution of dispersal is limited by ourpaucity of knowledge on dispersal decisions at the individuallevel. We investigated the effect of interactions between residentsand juvenile dispersers on individual dispersal and settlementdecisions in Siberian jays (Perisoreus infaustus). In this group-livingbird species, some offspring remain on the parental territoryfor up to 3 years (retained juveniles) whereas other offspringdisperse within 2 months of fledging (dispersers). We foundthat retained juveniles constrained settlement decisions ofdispersers by aggressively chasing dispersers off their territory,resulting in dispersers continuing to disperse and settlingin groups without retained juveniles. Experimental removal ofmale breeders during the dispersal period also demonstratedthat dispersers were unable to settle in high-quality breedingopenings, which were instead filled by older nonbreeding residents.Rather, dispersers immigrated into groups without retained offspringwhere they became subordinate group members, queuing for a breedingopening. Also, they preferably settled in groups with shortqueues where no same-sex juveniles were present. Dispersal didnot inflict a cost to dispersers through increased mortality.However, the presence of immigrants was costly for breedersbecause it increased the rate of conflicts during the breedingseason which negatively affected nestling condition. These resultsdemonstrate that resident individuals constrain both dispersaland settlement decisions of dispersers. Social interactionsbetween residents and dispersers can thus be a key factor tounderstand the evolution of dispersal.
Keywords:dispersal cost   movement   natal dispersal   queuing strategies.
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