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Dynamics of Anguillicola crassus larval infections in a paratenic host,the ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus) from the Oder River on the border of Germany and Poland
Authors:Pietrock M  Meinelt T
Affiliation:Institute for Inland Fisheries, Potsdam-Sacrow, J?gerhof am Sacrower See, 14476 Gross Glienicke, Germany. michael.pietrock@ifb-potsdam.de
Abstract:The course of infection of 2-year-old ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus L.) from the Oder River (Germany/Poland) with third-stage larvae (L3) of Anguillicola crassus (Nematoda: Anguillicolidae) was investigated at monthly intervals between March 1994 and March 1995. Of 230 fish examined, 152 (66%) harboured viable L3. Monthly prevalences fluctuated between 12 and 96%; mean intensities ranged from 1.0 to 5.6 L3 per infected fish. Temperature-dependent differences in infection were noted with the prevalence and mean intensity of infection being significantly higher (Chi-Square test and Mann-Whitney-U-test, respectively; ) at water temperatures less than 10 degrees C (cold period) than at those above (warm period). These differences remained significant even after the division of fish samples into two size classes (8.5-10.5 cm, 11-13 cm). Although the paratenic hosts may acquire infections year round, the results suggest that ruffe become infected mainly during the cold season and that the host's feeding ecology determines the final course of infection.
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