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Identification of In Vivo-Interacting Domains of the Murine Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein
Authors:Kelley R. Hurst  Cheri A. Koetzner  Paul S. Masters
Affiliation:Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health, Albany, New York 12201
Abstract:The coronavirus nucleocapsid protein (N), together with the large, positive-strand RNA viral genome, forms a helically symmetric nucleocapsid. This ribonucleoprotein structure becomes packaged into virions through association with the carboxy-terminal endodomain of the membrane protein (M), which is the principal constituent of the virion envelope. Previous work with the prototype coronavirus mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) has shown that a major determinant of the N-M interaction maps to the carboxy-terminal domain 3 of the N protein. To explore other domain interactions of the MHV N protein, we expressed a series of segments of the MHV N protein as fusions with green fluorescent protein (GFP) during the course of viral infection. We found that two of these GFP-N-domain fusion proteins were selectively packaged into virions as the result of tight binding to the N protein in the viral nucleocapsid, in a manner that did not involve association with either M protein or RNA. The nature of each type of binding was further explored through genetic analysis. Our results defined two strongly interacting regions of the N protein. One is the same domain 3 that is critical for M protein recognition during assembly. The other is domain N1b, which corresponds to the N-terminal domain that has been structurally characterized in detail for two other coronaviruses, infectious bronchitis virus and the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus.The assembly of coronaviruses is driven principally by homotypic and heterotypic interactions between the two most abundant virion proteins, the membrane protein (M) and the nucleocapsid protein (N) (14, 32). The M protein is a triple-spanning transmembrane protein residing in the virion envelope, which is derived from the cellular budding site, the endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment. More than half of the M molecule, its carboxy-terminal endodomain, is situated in the interior of the virion, where it contacts the nucleocapsid (46, 50). Also found in the virion envelope is the spike protein (S), which, although crucial for viral infectivity, is not an essential participant in assembly. The other canonical component of the coronavirus envelope is the small envelope protein (E), the function of which is enigmatic. Some evidence suggests that the E protein does not make sequence-specific contacts with other viral proteins (27) but instead functions by modifying the budding compartment, perhaps as an ion channel (56, 57). Alternatively, or additionally, E could act in a chaperone-like fashion to facilitate homotypic interactions between M protein monomers or oligomers (4).The N protein is the only protein constituent of the helically symmetric nucleocapsid, which is located in the interior of the virion. Coronavirus N proteins are largely basic phosphoproteins that share a moderate degree of homology across all three of the phylogenetic groups within the family (29). Some time ago, we proposed a model that pictured the N protein as comprising three domains separated by two spacers (A and B) (40). This arrangement was originally inferred from a sequence comparison of the N genes of multiple strains of the prototypical group 2 coronavirus, mouse hepatitis virus (MHV), and its validity seemed to be reinforced by numerous sequences that later became available. Part of this model, the delineation of spacer B and the acidic, carboxy-terminal domain 3, has been well supported by subsequent work (22, 25, 41, 42). However, a wealth of recent, detailed structural studies of bacterially expressed domains of the N proteins of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) has much more precisely mapped boundaries within the remainder of the N molecule (8, 16, 21, 23, 47, 51, 60). The latter studies have shown that the N protein contains two independently folding domains, designated the N-terminal domain (NTD) and the C-terminal domain (CTD). It should be pointed out that this nomenclature can be misleading: the NTD does not contain the amino terminus of the protein, and the CTD does not contain the carboxy terminus of the protein. Specifically, the CTD does not include spacer B and domain 3. The NTD and the CTD are separated by an intervening serine- and arginine-rich region; this region was previously noted to resemble the SR domains of splicing factors (42), and it has recently been shown to be intrinsically disordered (6, 7).In the assembled virion, the three known partners of the N protein are the M protein, the genomic RNA, and other copies of the N protein itself. We have sought to develop genetic and molecular biological methods that will begin to elucidate the varied ways in which the N molecule interacts during MHV infection. We previously found that the fusion of N protein domain 3 to a heterologous marker, green fluorescent protein (GFP), results in incorporation of GFP into virions (22). In the present study, we similarly fused each of the individual domains of N to GFP, and we thereby uncovered two strong modes of N protein-N protein interaction that likely contribute to virion architecture.
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