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Studies on lectins. XXXVI. Properties of some lectins prepared by affinity chromatography on O-glycosyl polyacrylamide gels
Authors:V Horejsí  J Kocourek
Abstract:A number of lectins has been purified by affinity chromatography on O-glycosyl polyacrylamide gels. The lectins isolated (and the particular sugar ligands used in the affinity carriers) are as follows: Anguilla anguilla, serum (alpha-L-fucosyl-), Vicia cracca, seeds; Phaseolus lunatus, seeds; Glycine soja, seeds; Dolichos biflorus, seeds; Maclura pomifera, seeds; Sarothamnus scoparius, seeds; Helix pomatia, ablumin glands; Clitocybe nebularis, fruiting bodies (all N-acetyl-alpha-D-galactosaminyl-); Ricinus communis, seeds (beta-lactosyl-); Ononis spinosa, root; Fomes fomentarius, fruiting bodies; Marasmius oreades, fruiting bodies (all alpha-D-galactosyl-), Canavalia ensiformis, seeds, (i.e., concanavalin A) (alpha-D-glucosyl-). Physicochemical properties of Glycine soja, Dolichos biflorus, Phaseolus lunatus, Helix Pomatia and Ricinus communis lectins corresponded well to properties of the preparations studied earlier by other workers. For the other purified lectins the essential physiochemical data (sedimentation coefficient, molecular weight, subunit composition, electrophoretic patterns, amino acid composition, carbohydrate content, isoelectric point) were established and their precipitating, hemagglutinating and mitogenic activities determined.
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