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引用本文:梁有沣,郝明炫,郭蕊,李小宁,李永超,喻长远,杨昭. 乳腺癌早期筛查和诊断生物标志物研究进展[J]. 生物工程学报, 2023, 39(4): 1425-1444
作者姓名:梁有沣  郝明炫  郭蕊  李小宁  李永超  喻长远  杨昭
作者单位:北京化工大学生命科学与技术学院 分子诊断技术创新研究中心, 北京 100029;北京化工大学生命科学与技术学院 分子诊断技术创新研究中心, 北京 100029;塔里木大学生命科学与技术学院 新疆生产建设兵团塔里木盆地生物资源保护利用重点实验室, 新疆 阿拉尔 843300
摘    要:2020年全球乳腺癌(breast cancer,BC)新发病例达226万例,占全部肿瘤新发病例的11.7%,是全世界发病率最高的癌症。早期发现、早期诊断和早期治疗是降低乳腺癌死亡率及改善预后的关键。尽管乳房X光筛查被广泛用作乳腺癌筛查的工具,但其假阳性、辐射性和过度诊断仍是亟待解决的问题。因此,亟需开发易于获取且稳定可靠的生物标志物,用于乳腺癌无创筛查和诊断。近年来多项研究显示来自乳腺癌患者血液中的循环肿瘤细胞DNA(circulating tumor cell DNA,ctDNA)、癌胚抗原(carcinoembryonic antigen,CEA)、糖类抗原15-3(carbohydrate antigen 15-3,CA15-3)、细胞外囊泡(extracellular vesicles,EV)、循环miRNA和BRCA基因突变等生物标志物,以及来自人体尿液、呼出气体(volatile organic compounds,VOCs)和乳头吸出液(nipple aspirate fluid,NAF)中的磷脂、miRNA、苯乙酮和十六烷等多种生物标志物与乳腺癌早期筛查和诊断密切相关。本文综述了上述生物标志物在乳腺癌早期筛查和诊断中的应用。

关 键 词:乳腺癌  生物标志物  早期筛查  诊断  无创

Biomarkers for early screening and diagnosis of breast cancer: a review
LIANG Youfeng,HAO Mingxuan,GUO Rui,LI Xiaoning,LI Yongchao,YU Changyuan,YANG Zhao. Biomarkers for early screening and diagnosis of breast cancer: a review[J]. Chinese journal of biotechnology, 2023, 39(4): 1425-1444
Authors:LIANG Youfeng  HAO Mingxuan  GUO Rui  LI Xiaoning  LI Yongchao  YU Changyuan  YANG Zhao
Affiliation:Innovation Center of Molecular Diagnostics, College of Life Science and Technology, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China;Innovation Center of Molecular Diagnostics, College of Life Science and Technology, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China;Key Laboratory of Protection and Utilization of Biological Resources in Tarim Basin of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, College of Life Science and Technology, Tarim University, Alar 843300, Xinjiang, China
Abstract:The estimated new cases of breast cancer (BC) patients were 2.26 million in 2020, which accounted for 11.7% of all cancer patients, making it the most prevalent cancer worldwide. Early detection, diagnosis and treatment are crucial to reduce the mortality, and improve the prognosis of BC patients. Despite the widespread use of mammography screening as a tool for BC screening, the false positive, radiation, and overdiagnosis are still pressing issues that need to be addressed. Therefore, it is urgent to develop accessible, stable, and reliable biomarkers for non-invasive screening and diagnosis of BC. Recent studies indicated that the circulating tumor cell DNA (ctDNA), carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), carbohydrate antigen 15-3 (CA15-3), extracellular vesicles (EV), circulating miRNAs and BRCA gene from blood, and the phospholipid, miRNAs, hypnone and hexadecane from urine, nipple aspirate fluid (NAF) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in exhaled gas were closely related to the early screening and diagnosis of BC. This review summarizes the advances of the above biomarkers in the early screening and diagnosis of BC.
Keywords:breast cancer  biomarkers  early screening  diagnosis  noninvasiveness
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