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Heterostyly and Pollen-tube Interactions in Luculia gratissima (Rubiaceae)
Authors:MURRAY   B. G.
Affiliation:Department of Botany, University of Auckland Private Bag, Auckland, New Zealand
Abstract:Observations on the floral biology of Luculia gratissima (Rubiaceae)showed that this species is distylous with complementary positioningof anthers and stigmas in the two floral forms. Unusual featuresof distyly in this species include the larger size of the corolla,the stigma surface and the stigmatic papillae in the thrum flowerscompared to the pin ones. Stigmatic surfaces have similar secretionsbut they appear more copious in thrum than pin. The floral dimorphismwas accompanied by a very effective self-incompatibility systemand no seed was set on selfing. Seed number per capsule on crossingwas significantly greater in thrum flowers compared to pin.Incompatible pollen tubes were inhibited within 24 h at thebase of the stigma/top of the style in both morphs. Amputationof this region of the gynoecium removed the self-incompatibilityreaction in thrum but not pin flowers. Pollination with a mixtureof compatible and incompatible pollen and sequential pollinationwith self followed by cross pollen showed that there were interactionsbetween the two types of pollen tube. The presence of compatibletubes was found to cause the excessive swelling of the pollen-tubetip of the incompatible ones. The incompatible tubes did notappear to have any effect on the growth of compatible ones. Luculia gratissima, distyly, floral biology, self-incompatibility, pollen-tube interactions
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