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Authors:Michele R. Dudash  Kermit Ritland
Affiliation:Department of Botany, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 3B2 Canada
Abstract:To gain some understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the intermediate levels of both multiple paternity and selfing observed previously in the common monkeyflower, Mimulus guttatus, we performed a field experiment to assess the role of 1) multiple paternity through sequential pollinator visits and 2) selfing through corolla abscission. In M. guttatus, flowers remain open for several days; then, in the process of corolla abscission anthers drag past the stigma. We predicted that multiple visitation by pollinators over this period should increase the degree of multiple paternity of sibling arrays, and that corolla dragging may be the primary cause of the observed selfing. In three northern California populations corollas were removed after being open for 1 day (preventing further mating), and the type of matings resulting was compared to matings from adjacent flowers with undisturbed corollas. On average, seed set was twice as great in flowers with unmanipulated corollas, indicating that about half of all matings in the lifespan of a M. guttatus flower occur after 1 day. Pollen supplementation revealed that pollen was limiting in one population. Electrophoretic assay of progeny showed multiple paternity was greater in unmanipulated flowers in the two populations that were not pollen limited, suggesting that sequential pollination may be an important source of multiple paternity. However, no difference was detected in the selfing rate between the two treatments, suggesting that corolla dragging was not a source of selfing even under pollen-limited conditions.
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