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Extrapair paternity in chestnut-sided warblers is correlated with consistent vocal performance
Authors:Byers  Bruce E
Institution:Department of Biology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003, USA
Abstract:The elaborateness of many bird songs is commonly presumed tohave evolved under the influence of sexual selection by femalemate choice. Thus, aspects of acoustic diversity, such as songrepertoire size, are seen as likely targets of female choice.In many songbird species with song repertoires, however, therepertoires are small. In such species, female choice mightbe based on song features other than, or in addition to, songdiversity. To investigate this conjecture, I assessed singingand paternity in a population of chestnut-sided warblers (Dendroicapensylvanica), a species in which song repertoires are of modestsize. Twenty-two song traits were evaluated to determine whichones best predicted male extrapair reproductive success. Thecandidate traits encompassed measures of song diversity (e.g.,song repertoire size), gross-scale song performance (e.g., singingrate), and fine-scale song performance (e.g., variability amongsongs in a bout). Regression analysis revealed that the bestpredictor of extrapair success was singing with little variability.In particular, the most successful males sang with consistentpitch and timing, as well as high pitch. The greater extrapairsuccess of males with more consistent vocal performance maybe due to female preference for such performance, which couldbe an indicator of male quality.
Keywords:birdsong  extrapair paternity  mate choice  songbird  vocal performance  warbler  
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