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Comparative proteomics reveals evidence for evolutionary diversification of rodent seminal fluid and its functional significance in sperm competition
Authors:Ramm Steven A  McDonald Lucy  Hurst Jane L  Beynon Robert J  Stockley Paula
Affiliation:* Mammalian Behaviour and Evolution Group, Department of Veterinary Preclinical Science, University of Liverpool, Leahurst Campus, Neston, Cheshire, United Kingdom
"{dagger}" Proteomics and Functional Genomics Group, Department of Veterinary Preclinical Science, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Abstract:During insemination, males of internally fertilizing speciestransfer a complex array of seminal fluid proteins to the femalereproductive tract. These proteins can have profound effectson female reproductive physiology and behavior and are thoughtto mediate postcopulatory sexual selection and intersexual conflict.Such selection may cause seminal fluid to evolve rapidly, withpotentially important consequences for speciation. Here we investigatethe evolution of seminal fluid proteins in a major mammalianradiation, the muroid rodents, by quantifying diversity in seminalfluid proteome composition for the first time across a broadrange of closely related species. Using comparative proteomicstechniques to identify and cross-match proteins, we demonstratethat rodent seminal fluid is highly diverse at the level ofboth proteomes and individual proteins. The striking interspecificheterogeneity in seminal fluid composition revealed by our surveyfar exceeds that seen in a second proteome of comparable complexity,skeletal muscle, indicating that the complement of proteinsexpressed in seminal fluid may be subject to rapid diversification.We further show that orthologous seminal fluid proteins exhibitsubstantial interspecific variation in molecular mass. Becausethis variation cannot be attributed to differential glycosylationor radical differences in termination sites, it is stronglysuggestive of rapid amino acid divergence. Sperm competitionis implicated in generating such divergence for at least onemajor seminal fluid protein in our study, SVS II, which is responsiblefor copulatory plug formation via transglutaminase-catalyzedcross-linking after insemination. We show that the molecularmass of SVS II is positively correlated with relative testissize across species, which could be explained by selection foran increased number of cross-linking sites involved in the formationof the copulatory plug under sperm competition.
Keywords:copulatory plug    proteomics    mammals    seminal fluid    sexual selection    sperm competition
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