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Authors:Dean M. DeNicola  C. David McIntire
Abstract:We examined the hypothesis that the heterogeneity of epilithic algal assemblages in streams may be partly a result of hydrologic differences created when water flows over a rough substrate. A 32-day experiment was conducted in laboratory streams that contained either 22.5 × 22.5 × 4 cm or 7.5 × 22.5 × 4 cm tile blocks. Free water velocities in the streams overaged 28 cm·s?1. Hydrologic parameters and algal assemblages associated with surfaces on top of blocks and with recessed surfaces between blocks were compared to corresponding surfaces in streams with of relief. In streams with blocks, shear velocities averaged 1.7 cm·s?1 on the top of blocks and 0.8 cm·s?1 in the recessed areas. Shear velocity at corresponding surfaces in the control (no relief) streams averaged 1.9 cm·s?1 and exhibited little variation. The hydrologic differences created by the larger blocks significantly affected the distribution of algal biomass, with recessed areas having an average of 2.6 g·m?2 AFDW more biomass than surfaces on the top of blocks. Differences in shear velocities and biomass accumulation between top and recessed areas for the smaller blocks were less than for large blocks. Successional changes on all substrates were similar with the exception that recessed surfaces had a significantly greater abundance of the filamentous chlorophyte Stigeoclonium tenue (Ag.) Kütz after day 16. The results suggest that in cobble riffle areas of natural streams, the interaction between current flow and substrate relief has the potential to create patches of algae which are different in biomass and taxonomic composition.
Keywords:colonization  current  hydrology  patch dynamics  periphyton  roughness  streams  succession
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