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The Contribution of an Apoplastic Pathway to Sodium Uptake by Rice Roots in Saline Conditions
Authors:YEO, A. R.   YEO, M. E.   FLOWERS, T. J.
Abstract:An apoplastic pathway, the so-called bypass-flow, across riceroots to the xylem has been investigated and approximately quantifiedusing the apoplastic tracer dye 8-hydroxy-l,3,6-pyrenetrisulphonicacid (PTS); former nomenclature 3-hydroxy-5,8,10-pyrenetrisulphonicacid. It was confirmed that PTS was confined to a compartmentno greater than the apparent free space in living rice roots.Experimental handling did not contribute to bypass-flow. Riceroots recovered rapidly from severe damage: following root pruning,sodium and calcium uptake returned to steady values in about6 h. Apoplastic flow declined after damage as a first-orderkinetic with a half time of 75 min. Analysis of the pattern of elution of PTS from preloaded roots(intact, excised and heat-killed), and from cellulose, was followedto compare PTS movement in the extracellular compartment withthat of water and small hydrated ions. Consideration is givento the factor by which the bypass-flow estimated with the dyewould need to be corrected to reflect the proportion of thetranspiration stream flowing in the apoplastic pathway. Thedata suggest that this factor would be at least 10 for transpiringrice plants. There was large individual variation in the transport both ofsodium and of the apoplastic tracer PTS to the shoot. Plantswith high sodium transport also had high PTS transport and itis concluded that some proportion of the sodium reaching thexylem in rice does so by a pathway which is also available toPTS, presumably direct apoplastic contact across the endodermis.A median value for the bypass-flow of water (corrected fromPTS) would be 0.5 to 1.0 percent of the transpirational volumeflow, but individuals with the highest sodium transport wouldhave bypass-flow values of several percent. Evidence is discussedwhich suggests that apoplastic transport may increase in stressconditions, and it is argued that bypass-flow is a major contributionto sodium uptake in rice in saline conditions. Key words: Oryza saliva, salinity, roots, radial ion transport, apoplast, bypass-flow
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