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引用本文:马德昭,田菲,刘思嘉,汤永涛,宋文珠,王虹蕾,史建全,祁洪芳,赵凯. 青海湖裸鲤和黄河裸裂尻鱼感染多子小瓜虫的病理学比较研究[J]. 水生生物学报, 2019, 43(5): 1081-1091. DOI: 10.7541/2019.127
作者姓名:马德昭  田菲  刘思嘉  汤永涛  宋文珠  王虹蕾  史建全  祁洪芳  赵凯
摘    要:为探讨不同裂腹鱼类感染多子小瓜虫后的病理学差异, 利用多子小瓜虫对青海湖裸鲤指名亚种(Gymnocypris przewalskii przewalskii)和黄河裸裂尻鱼(Schizopygopsis pylzovi Kessler)实施感染实验, 并对2种鱼进行了深入的病理学研究。研究结果显示: (1) 2种鱼的死亡量均呈现先激增后明显回落的趋势, 青海湖裸鲤死亡高峰在感染后第3至第4天, 黄河裸裂尻鱼死亡高峰在第3至第5天, 青海湖裸鲤的死亡比黄河裸裂尻鱼急剧。(2)感染后2种鱼体表均出现大量肉眼可见的白点。青海湖裸鲤皮肤黏液分泌量明显增加, 体表形成胶状黏液层, 黏液层中见不同细胞期小瓜虫包囊。黄河裸裂尻鱼鳍出现蛀鳍现象, 皮肤出现细菌感染样溃烂。(3)解剖发现, 感染组青海湖裸鲤和黄河裸裂尻鱼肝脏发生病理改变呈淡黄色, 胆有不同程度肿大。(4)组织切片和电镜观察显示, 小瓜虫在鳃部位的寄生导致青海湖裸鲤和黄河裸裂尻鱼鳃丝黏连, 鳃小片和鳃丝上皮细胞萎缩、脱落, 鳃丝结构被严重破坏。小瓜虫在2种鱼皮肤的寄生使寄生部位组织突起, 周围组织塌陷。青海湖裸鲤表皮下层出现空隙, 表皮结构被严重破坏。黄河裸裂尻鱼皮肤表皮细胞出现空泡化病理改变, 失去原有紧密结构, 表皮层和固有层间界限变模糊。综上所述, 小瓜虫的感染对青海湖裸鲤和黄河裸裂尻鱼的鳃和皮肤组织造成严重损伤, 但2种鱼表现的症状和造成的组织损伤类型有明显差异, 这与2种鱼长期适应不同水体环境密切相关。

关 键 词:青海湖裸鲤指名亚种   黄河裸裂尻鱼   多子小瓜虫   病理学

Abstract:To investigate pathological features of ichthyophthiriasis in Schizothoracine fishes, we performed a pathological comparison between Gymnocypris przewalskii przewalskii and Schizopygopsis pylzovi infected with Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. The infection of I. multifiliis resulted in high morbidity and mortality rate in G. p. przewalskii and S. pylzovi. The mortality rate of G. p. przewalskii and S. pylzovi increased dramatically at 3 dpi (day post infection) and then decreased gradually. All the infected G. p. przewalskii died after 8 dpi. The mortality rate of S. pylzovi was 97.3% with only two S. pylzovi survived after 14 dpi. There were lots of small white spots on the skin of both infected fish species but with significantly different Symptoms. A large amount of mucus were secreted in G. p. przewalskii to form gelatinous layer on the skin. Tomonts in different developmental stages were embedded in the gelatinous layer. In the infected S. pylzovi, necrosis and exfoliation occurred in the epithelium of the caudal fin and dorsal fin, and ulceration appeared due to the secondary infection by bacteria on the skin. The anatomic examination showed similar pathologi-cal changes in liver of G. p. przewalskii and S. pylzovi with the liver color from light red to faint yellow. Meanwhile, gallbladder was swollen and enlarged in both species. Histological sections and electron microscopy demonstrated the adhesion of gill filaments in infected G. p. przewalskii and S. pylzovi, and the gill lamellas and gill epithelia cells were exfoliated. In G. p. przewalskii, I. multifiliis parasite created huge cavities in the epidermis and altered the structure of the skin epidermis. Skin epidermal cells of infected S. pylzovi showed evident vacuolation, the original tight structure was completely lost, and boundaries between epidermis and tunicae propria was blurred. These results indicated simi-lar targeted organs by I. multifiliis infection but with different symptoms in G. p. przewalskii and S. pylzovi that may explain by the long-term adaptation to salt water and freshwater environments by G. p. przewalskii and S. pylzovi, which laid the foundation to study host-pathogen interaction in Tibetan highland fishes.
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